Frequently Asked Questions

What is #IsThereEnough ?
It is a game changing conversation designed to effect personal and social responsibility.
It is a global campaign for economic inclusion and social justice which says that wealth and survival are increased wherever agreement can increase. New agreements require new conversation, and new conversation requires a new curiosity, a new set of questions. This question, #IsThereEnough, immediately changes the game of every political and social question. You cannot really ask it authentically without coming to grips with what your own values are, and our values are what new agreement is really based on, especially among people who disagree on otherwise partisan positions that truly affect survival. The question, #IsThereEnough, does not propose that the answer is “yes” or “no” as a blanket answer, but merely that posing it is a doorway to a unique examination of what wealth really is, and the role of agreement in effecting its growth. Our global economic system is based on an assumption of “scarce resources” when it is people, not resources, that actually create wealth, by agreement. Asking #IsThereEnough, and its similar versions, puts the onus on what we have , and do not have, enough of, and, more importantly, what we can actually do about the answer, in every situation.
Isn’t this just a campaign promoting abundance?
Not really, no. It is not just an awareness campaign. It is a campaign of action designed to examine how we can truly and effectively make the world work for 100% of all of us, not just some of us. To do that we have to examine a fundamental question, #IsThereEnough. It is a matter of situation and condition. It is not a single answer.
There are definitely things there are #NotEnough of in the world. There is not enough #compassion, or #fairness, and certainly not enough #listening or #tolerance of ideas we do not agree with, leading to partisanship, and even war. If you live in certain parts of the world, there is not even enough #water or #food or #healthcare, or basic human rights, and from our point of view, there is certainly #notenough investment in the future of humanity. Our Global Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 are in danger of not being met. They require $3.5 Trillion more annual investment than we are currently doing. Our Impact Launchpad arm ( a for-profit entity) is addressing that problem as well.
What is The Treaty ?
The Treaty is a genuine strategic effort to establish a new standard in international law, and new realm of legal identity, by exercising a simple human right, to make a choice of law over war, a phrase coined by Benjamin Ferencz, the famed Nuremberg prosecutor. It can be considered a constitution for humanity, with just one clause, only, to uphold agreement, over war. It is both a personal liberty, and a personal responsibility, equally, and upon it being signed by 100 Million people, which will certainly happen, those 100 Million and more will become a new global constituency, with a clear voice, and some actual effect, for establishing new universally enjoyed human rights. Public opinion may never have been mobilized like this before for this sense of defined humanity, on so simple a basis that it cannot be ignored.
Is The Treaty a petition?
No, a petition is urging leaders in institutional power to take some action to make change. Our entire premise is that people themselves drive new agreements that leadership and institutions will then follow. Our demonstration of 100 Million signatories, digitally signed and privacy safe identified, will be as strong an international statement as any founding national constitution document.
Can Countries Sign The Treaty ?
Countries, institutions, and organizations can affirm The Treaty, but they cannot sign it. Each signature is from a sovereign individual, acting on behalf of themselves, and on behalf of other individuals.
What Gives People The Right to Write Their Own Law?
That is an excellent question to ponder.
How Is This Funded?
We are a registered non-profit media campaign, funded by donations of time and money, as well as by earned income revenues we receive from product sales (such as clothing and merchandise) and paid media content in development.